sábado, 19 de marzo de 2016

Hello God. Are you there?

People always ask me what is God for me, I answer with love, a friend, a counselor. But really, I don't think that God is like that in anyway. In the church they teach us that God made us with a purpose. Well, i don't want to be his purpose, I want to make my own destiny. But, haven't you thougth that maybe all this you can choose, is fake? We all blame Satan for the bad things, he rebelled against God, but, what if he was meant to do that? What if God created him to make an example? To make us believe that we have a choice? That's why I don't want to believe in him, and because if we have a purpose, my friend Juliana? She is death, by cancer, a good person. Are you going to tell me that her purpose was to die? What about Jesus? Yes, he died for all of us. So what? He is dead. I don't want to be dead, I want to live, but for some reasons God is limiting my happiness.

So, what is God for you?

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