sábado, 19 de marzo de 2016


Lately I realized that... i'm a liar. I've been lying to all my friends, about my feelings, my sexuality, my self-confidence, the reasons why i don't go out with them. I'm a liar. But, i'm working in that, I finally accepted that i'm a liar, and I have to work on being honest now. First, i'm going to tell my principal lies.

  1. My worst lie is about my sexuality, I like girls. Don't get me wrong, I like men, but I like girls too, and I really don't see the problem on being bisexual. But, my parents are christians, so I can't come out of the closet. I know, they will still love me because i'm her daughter. That's exactly the problem, they'll be forced to love me. So, I lie.
  2. The second problem, I like being alone, I can't handle myself when I'm with people, I get angry. But, I don't feel well after telling a friend if he/she can leave me alone. So I lie, I put excuses. Like, I can't go out because my parents don't lend me, or, I have an activity and I have to go, and stuff.
  3. Another big one. I'm in love of my best friend, she is so imperfect that makes her perfect for me, she is really honest, so much that she doesn't care if she hurst someone, for her, she is telling the truth. She is so funny, and she has a dumb laugh. Her eyes are beautiful, she dresses so bad, and she has a strong personality. But i love her. The problem, she is straight, and she doesn't know that I like her.
  4. Other problem, i'm too confident. I always think that what i'm doing is right and I really hate when people correct me. 
You might be thinking that those are not a lot of lies, but, because of that, I lie everyday.

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